Being Lutheran
A Lutheran is first and foremost a Christian. “Christian” is the noun and “Lutheran” becomes the adjective. Being “Lutheran” is one way of being Christian. It is not the best way or the only way. It has certain distinctive characteristics that define it.
We are part of a denomination called the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. This 3.3 million member church is connected to the wider Lutheran World Federation which represents Lutheran Christians all over the world. We are united by several important elements of our faith.
There are many more elements to being Lutheran. We invite you to explore this page or to contact the office to set up an appointment. We would be happy to discuss any questions with you.
What We Believe
We believe in God’s grace. We trust that all people are made whole or “saved” by God, as a gift. We cannot earn God’s love or favor.
We see Jesus as God’s Word or revelation of God’s very self, as stated in John 1.
The holy scriptures of the bible are the source of our understanding about God and God’s relationship with humanity. We read them through the “lens” of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth.
Following Jesus means loving God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength and loving our neighbors as ourselves. Luke 10:27 This means that we are called to address our neighbor’s immediate needs, and in so doing, we love God. These are acts of charity. It also means that we address the systems that oppress people or creation. This is the work of justice. Charity and justice are the ways in which we tangibly love both our neighbor and our God.
It is important for us to gather for worship and prayer. In worship we hear the good news of God’s love and we receive the sacrament of Holy Communion. Worship reorients our lives and strengthens us for service.