We celebrate God’s Grace and Glory each Sunday Morning.
Celebrating God’s Grace
Those who volunteer to serve as assisting ministers of the table share a beautiful ministry. Just as a family gathers for a meal, all will be involved. There are those who prepare the table and the meal (Altar Guild). Others serve the bread and wine (Communion Assistants).
All are welcome at our communion table. We even have gluten free wafers (upon request). For those who are not able to come to come forward, we will gladly bring the wine and bread to you.
We have two methods for serving communion: at Stations and at the Altar Rail. Ushers will guide you forward during this part of the service.
Those who volunteer as Ministers of the Word (Lectors) are not just called to read a lesson from the Bible. The Word does not live for the Congregation unless it is alive for the Lector. We are here to share the Good News with meaning. We generally read a Hebrew Scripture and an Epistle which support the meaning of the Gospel.
Assisting Ministers
Assisting Ministers represent that everyone gathered for Sunday Morning worship has a role in the liturgy. They assist the Pastor during worship services by leading the prayers (Prayer of the Day, Offering Prayer, and Prayers of the People), assist with offering and communion, and dismiss God’s people into a world of service.
Ushers serve as a point of contact and information for guests and members. They provide bulletins and offer any initial assistance guests or members may need—such as special hearing assistance equipment if needed. Ushers pass the plates during offering and assist with guiding members and guests forward for communion. They are available during service to answer any questions or assist guests in other ways.
Feeding the Flock
Feeding of the Flock is a once-a-month fellowship opportunity that is currently hosted by one of the two Women of the ELCA circles.
Each month has a different theme, and light refreshments are provided!
The tellers are responsible for counting the offerings given by church members and visitors, including other items such as payments for the rental of the Fellowship Hall. These monies allow the church to fulfill its continuing mission, as well as the payment of the church’s ongoing expenses