Women of LCGS
The Women of Good Shepherd Lutheran are partners in ministry with the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (WELCA) organization. At the local level we are organized into women’s circles which meet monthly for Bible study, outreach projects, and fellowship. Circle activities are coordinated by the LCGS WELCA board.
WELCA members participate in many of the LCGS outreach projects, such as the annual Valentine Dinner Dance for disabled adults, and monthly meals for the homeless at Dorothy’s Kitchen. WELCA manages church projects for supporting Laurel Wood School (across the street), the God’s Work, Our Hands Sunday (ELCA), and special donations to local, national, and world-wide charities. Recent projects involved making over 50 toiletry kits for people at Dorothy’s Kitchen, filling 37 back packs for the school, collecting funds for the Monterey County Food Bank and the Salinas Salvation Army through our annual Thank Offering Sunday, and assisting the county in filling gift bags for frail seniors at Christmas.
Social contributions include fellowship at monthly meetings, monthly coffee hours after service, an annual Mother’s Day celebration, and a reception after our annual Christmas concert. A special donation was made to our LCGS music department to support the concert.