Music at LCGS

We are currently searching for an accompanist for Sunday worship. Please contact the church office if you would like to be considered for this position. Excellent piano skills required. Organ skills desired.

The Chancel Choir is currently volunteer led.

The Victory Bells are on a hiatus.

The Worship Band leads our worship music on special Sundays.
If you are interested in joining, please reach out.

The music ministry at Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd is an integral part of our worship life. We have three active musical ensembles who rehearse and perform regularly.

Are you a musician?

Making music is an expression of faith that transcends the spoken word.

Whether you sing, play an instrument, or manage a music program for a group of kids, we’d love to hear from you! Contact our Worship & Music team to talk about how you can share your talents or collaborate. We are always looking to work with artists in our in-person worship services.

You can send an email to the office, and we will pass it on!